cool website

How Safe Are You?

cool flash animation for a road safety ad.

Creative Review 2008

I came across a magazine that i picked up in the college libary which caught my eye. Had a quick glance at some of the illustrations inside which i quite liked so decided to scan them in. Then on one of the pages i looked at had a really big fancy type with the URL underneath, and categories that included:
Graphic design, online advertising, poster/press ads, commercials, music videos packaging, editorial design, illustration, photography, interactive, digital media and motion graphics.
And basically this website is useful to me because it’s given me an insight to what is out there in the media industry

(here are the links)

Tuesday 20th November 2007

Today is the first day I’ve started to make an updated diary/blog.

I did a bit of my rough cut today for my Yorkshire Sculpture Park  video, knowing that we didn’t think about the purpose of the brief on the day, We just filmed random stuff not enough of it as well which i now regret. So now i have to compromise with other people for their clips

I learnt that its much easier when loading the raw footage onto the computer

Graphics Interchange Format

Raster Images:

A raster graphics image, digital image is a data structure representing a generally squared block of pixels, or points of colour.Raster images are commonly stored in image files with varying formats.

The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is an 8-bit-per-pixel bitmap image format that was introduced by CompuServe in 1987 and has since come into widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability. “Wikipedia”
 The format uses a palette of up to 256 distinct colors from the 24-bit RGB color space.  It also supports animations and allows a separate palette of 256 colors for each frame.

Uses of GIF file format:

animated GIF –

Clear GIF –
